Soodeh Kalaie received her B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering from University of Semnan, Iran. Subsequently, she started her M. Sc. at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran in 2012 where she joined a research group with the focus on machine learning and medical imaging. Then, the decomposition of the vascular tree using graphical models became her specific research subjects. Soodeh worked as R&D engineer in NegarAndishgan Co.Ltd, Tehran, Iran for almost four years where she carried out research on EEG signal processing and EEG brain mapping study. To peruse her academic journey, in September 2019 she joined CISTIB in University of Leeds as a PhD student. She has been awarded a Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Academy Scholarship to undertake research in CISTIB under supervision of Dr Ali Gooya and Prof. Alejandro Frangi.
Research Interest: The main aim of her current project is to develop deep learning models for minimizing uncertainty in multi-modal image synthesis