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Developing and Independent Research Career in CISTIB
CISTIB welcomes applications from outstanding early and intermediate career researchers with a PhD (or who are about to obtain one) wishing to join our Centre and apply for independent researcher or personal support scheme fellowships.
The following links provide information on some external Fellowship schemes. Please check your eligibility for a given scheme before approaching a potential supervisor or mentor in the Centre and contact them well in advance of the application deadline. • BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship • Daphne Jackson Fellowships • EPSRC Fellowships: applications accepted on a rolling basis. • ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants • Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) • Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships (IIF) • Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship Scheme (RAEng) • Royal Commission 1851 Research Fellowships • Royal Society University Research Fellowship • Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships • Royal Society Newton International Fellowships • Royal Society Advanced Newton Fellowships • Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Wellcome Trust) For internal applicant the Fellowship Ahoy! The program provides resources and organises events on applying for personal fellowships, how to be a successful applicant, and how to develop independence in research. |
Open vacancies
CISTIB seeks proactive and talented junior and senior researchers with a proven track record of publications in leading international journals and conferences. Candidates for PhD positions must hold a PhD degree and have expertise in the area of interest. Background or strong interest in biomedical engineering and proficiency in spoken and written English is essential.
We are interested in individuals with excellent communication and leadership skills, with the ability to work in a multidisciplinary and international team, contributing to the visibility of the centre in the international scientific community. The ability to interact with other disciplines is essential. The ideal candidate will cooperate with members of CISTIB working on related topics as well as with our collaborators at several academic institutions in the UK and Europe. |
How to apply
For more information or to apply, please see the details of the offer, or email (quoting the Job Reference mentioned) a detailed CV with publication list and a concise description of research interests and future plans to: