I undertook my undergraduate Masters' in Theoretical Physics and PhD in Biological Physics at the University of Manchester. I was then awarded a two-year EPSRC Fellowship to develop algorithms to improve the diagnostic ability of the standard 12-lead ECG, followed by a three-year Fellowship from the MRC to investigate the multi-scale mechanisms of arrhythmia associated with atrial fibrillation. I am currently working on a five-year Career Development Award, also from the MRC.
I currently run the Leeds Computational Physiology Lab along with Dr. Al Benson, within the Cardiovascular and Exercise Sciences group. Our research-led teaching includes an introductory course on Computational Modelling in the Biomedical Sciences.
Research interests
My research interests are at the interface of the Biological and Physical Sciences, aiming to use techniques from the latter to answer real-word medically driven questions. Primarily, my focus is to develop and apply novel multi-scale computational models of cardiac electrophysiology in order to improve mechanistic understanding and lead to better diagnosis and treatment strategies. Currently, I have projects looking at the role oscillations in the sub-cellular calcium handling proteins play in the development of organ-scale arrhythmia in human atrial fibrillation, heart failure and ageing.