Dr Michael Bryant CEng FHEA is an Associate Professor in Tribology and Corrosion Engineering in the Institute of Functional Surfaces (iFS), School of Mechanical Engineering. Current research focuses on: 1) streamlining preclinical testing methodologies, 2) the tribology and corrosion of metallic biomaterials (inc. nanoparticles) and 3) tribology and surface characterisation of biological tissues and soft matter materials. He has strong ties with industry, academic and regulatory (MHRA expert for tribology and corrosion & ASTM F04 committee member) groups. Research is currently funded as PI and Co-I through the EPSRC, Wellcome Trust, Royal Society, EU H2020 and Industry (> ã5.5m). He was awarded the IMechE Duncan Dowson Prize and Sir Thomas Hawksley gold medal in 2018.