Position: Professor (Cardiology)
Areas of expertise: Clinical applications of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance imaging; Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; Stable Coronary Artery Disease; Acute Coronary Syndromes; Myocardial infarction; Primary PCI
John Greenwood is a Professor of Cardiology in the Leeds Institute for Cardiovascular and Diabetes Research (LICAMM) and Consultant Cardiologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, where he specialises in coronary intervention and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging.
He qualified in medicine from Leeds in 1991 and after general medical training in Yorkshire undertook a clinical PhD in Leeds, funded by the British Heart Foundation.
His main area of research is the diagnosis and treatment of stable and unstable coronary artery disease. In terms of diagnostics, this particularly involves the use of CMR in terms of its development and validation through clinical trials. He was Chief Investigator on the landmark CE-MARC trial (Lancet 2012) which compared the diagnostic accuracy, cost-effectiveness and prognostic ability of CMR and SPECT against X-ray angiography. He was also Chief Investigator of the BHF funded, CE-MARC II trial, a UK multi-centre, 3-way RCT comparing the management strategies of CMR vs. MPS-SPECT vs. UK NICE guidelines (CG95) for patients with stable chest pain. In terms of therapeutics, he is collaborating on a number of major multi-centre clinical trials designed to improve outcomes in patients undergoing primary PCI for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
He is President-elect and Vice President (Education & Research) of the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) and Chair of the BCS Scientific Programme Committee (2017-2020) and sits on BCS Council, BCS Board, and BCS Executive. He was elected to the Board of BSCMR (British Society of Cardiovascular MR) in 2009 and is now BSCMR President (2018-2020). He is past-Chair of the SCMR clinical trials committee (2015-2017) and was a member of the SCMR scientific programme committee (2016-2019). For 10 years Prof. Greenwood led the supra-regional CMR service in Leeds, one of the UK's largest, and as an interventional cardiologist actively contributes to the coronary intervention service for West Yorkshire, including the regional primary PCI service. He is Director of the Cardiovascular Clinical Research Facility at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Director, Cardiovascular Clinical Research Facility (LTHT)
President, British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR)
Vice-President (Education & Research), British Cardiovascular Society (BCS)
Research interests
His main research interests include: