If you are a PhD or MSc student, here a few tips that can help you to make the best use of me.
Put your needs, intentions, and research questions in writing. Writing helps you process and organize ideas. It also means I can give you more thorough feedback as I’ll have time to think about your work before our next meeting.
Get my attention. Get me interested in your work. Be passionate.
Communicate with me regularly. You don’t have to report weekly; however, if it helps you stay on track, consider using this simple layout:
1. What I accomplished last week
2. My goals for this week
3. Concerns/Bottlenecks
Do your work. Deliverables are very important, regardless of progress. Remember I have to answer to my funding bodies.
Don’t try to hide if you’re not doing the required tasks. Tell me if you are struggling so we can solve problems together.
We are colleagues: both parties are responsible for making the relationship work.
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